82.00%|November 2, 2007|Animation, Comedy, Kids
An aspiring young chef named Chowder has adventures as an apprentice in Mung Daal's catering company. Although he means well, Chowder often finds himself in predicaments due to his perpetual appetite and his nature as a scatterbrain. He is also pestered by Panini, the apprentice of Mung's rival Endive, who wants Chowder to be her boyfriend, which he abhors.
C.H. Greenblatt
Nicky Jones
Chowder (voice)
Dwight Schultz
Mung Daal (voice)
Tara Charendoff-Strong
Truffles Daal (voice)
John DiMaggio
Shnitzel (voice)
Liliana Mumy
Panini (voice)