60.00%|October 9, 2016|Animation, Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Mystery
The "paranormal science" story follows nine idiosyncratic individuals, linked by the "Choujou Kagaku Kirikiri Basara" occult summary blog run by 17-year-old second-year high school student Yuuta Gamon. Little incongruities that occur around these nine eventually lead to a larger, unimaginable event that may alter what is considered common sense in this world.
Chiyomaru Shikura
Yuki Kaji
Yuuta Gamon (voice)
Ayane Sakura
Ryouka Narusawa (voice)
Kaito Ishikawa
Sarai Hashigami (voice)
Hitomi Yoshida
Miyu Aikawa (voice)
Shizuka Itoh
Touko Sumikaze (voice)