Girl Meets Bear
42.00%|April 3, 2016|Comedy, Animation
The anime follows Machi, a middle school student who serves as a shrine maiden at a Shinto shrine and takes care of a bear, who lives on mountain in Japan's northern Tohoku region. The bear, Natsu, has the ability to talk and is Machi's guardian. When Machi explains to Natsu that she will attend a school in the city, he gives Machi a set of trials that she must pass in order to be able to survive city life.
Natsumi Hioka
Amayadori Machi
Hiroki Yasumoto
Kumai Natsu
Kazuyuki Okitsu
Amayadori Yoshio
Shizuka Ishigami
Eri Kitamura
Sakata Hibiki