February 16, 1896 (129 years old) in Paris, France
Known For
- 1961 ·My Wife Is a Pantheras Colonel
- 1958 ·The Gambleras Director of the bank
- 1958 ·The Mask of the Gorillaas Councilor Smolen
- 1955 ·More Whiskey for Callaghanas Commodore Schoubersky
- 1953 ·Children of Loveas Mr. Martichou, president
- 1952 ·Le Costaud des Batignollesas Pierrot
- 1950 ·Les Aventuriers de l'airas Christiani
- 1950 ·Les Nouveaux Maîtresas Marquis of Aubenton
- 1950 ·The Ferretas Nick Jumeau
- 1947 ·Criminal Brigadeas Oudrach
- 1947 ·Last Refugeas Alvarez
- 1943 ·Finance noireas Maurice Arvers
- 1942 ·Dernière aventureas Count of Larzac
- 1941 ·Face au destinas Franz Hermann
- 1939 ·Deuxième bureau contre kommandanturas Lieutenant Kompartz
- 1938 ·I Was an Adventuressas Désormeaux
- 1938 ·Satan's Paradiseas Malestroy - le banquier
- 1938 ·The Woman Thiefas Barchevin
- 1938 ·I Accuseas Henri Chimay
- 1937 ·Les hommes de proieas Prince Korany
- 1937 ·A Man to Killas
- 1936 ·Nitchevoas
- 1936 ·Port-Arthuras
- 1935 ·Crimson Dynastyas Le commandant de Boose
- 1935 ·Second Bureauas Count Brusilot
- 1935 ·Dark Eyesas Roudine
- 1935 ·Pension Mimosasas Romani
- 1934 ·La cinquième empreinteas Maître Forestier
- 1934 ·Saphoas Dechelette
- 1933 ·Once Upon a Timeas Baddington
- 1932 ·Suzanneas Duvernon
- 1932 ·Lilacas
- 1931 ·The Darling of Parisas Dédé
- 1931 ·The Lost Courseas Le matelot Cass
- 1930 ·The Prosecutor Hallersas Le procureur Hallers
- 1921 ·Rose de Niceas