Rudolf Waldemar Brem
January 1, 1948 (77 years old) in Munich, Germany
Known For
- 2016 ·Trash Detectiveas Uwe Krollhass
- 2015 ·Die Geschlechtskriegerinnenas Dr. Burnhardt Reimenschneider
- 2015 ·Toilet Storiesas Manfred Kasunke 'Le Dude'
- 2015 ·Line of Separationas Ulrich Hirt
- 2013 ·Joseph Ruderer - Die Fahnenweiheas Moosreiner
- 2013 ·Der Kaktusas Kerl
- 2011 ·My Name Is Not Alias Self
- 2011 ·Mischgebietas Sepp Kreuzpaintner
- 2009 ·Alpine Rescueas Alois Kofler
- 2007 ·Toni Goldwascheras Franz, the blacksmith
- 2005 ·Oktoberfestas Bäumler
- 2005 ·Im Fadenkreuzas Alfred S
- 2004 ·Daniel, the Wizardas Balthasar
- 2002 ·Under Suspicionas Oberrat Kruse
- 2002 ·Die Rosenheim-Copsas Beppo Greissinger
- 2002 ·For Heaven's Sakeas Willi
- 2001 ·September Songas
- 2000 ·Alles Atzeas Karl Krause
- 1998 ·Vater wider Willenas Bäckermeister
- 1993 ·Kahlschlagas Fritz Bien
- 1992 ·Der Struppi ist wegas
- 1990 ·Der Hammermörderas Venediger
- 1989 ·Löwengrubeas Guido Fischer
- 1988 ·Der Geisterwald oder Des Raben Racheas Josef Ranzinger
- 1985 ·The Ice Roadas Franz
- 1984 ·Der Fahnderas Dittmann
- 1983 ·Kein Reihenhaus für Robin Hoodas Karsten Corzelius
- 1982 ·Firefoxas KGB Agent (uncredited)
- 1981 ·After Midnightas Herr Breitwehr
- 1981 ·A Case For Twoas Harro Kreuzer
- 1980 ·Unter Männernas Klumbach
- 1979 ·Avalanche Expressas 1st Signal Man
- 1978 ·SOKO Münchenas Sonnleitner
- 1978 ·Sachrangas Joseph Daxer
- 1977 ·Polizeiinspektion 1as Obermaier
- 1976 ·Eine kleine Liebeas Sonny
- 1974 ·Wachtmeister Rahnas
- 1974 ·Jodeln is ka Sündas Policeman
- 1974 ·Marthaas Telephone Man (uncredited)
- 1973 ·World on a Wireas Hospital Orderly
- 1973 ·Tenderness of the Wolvesas Gast
- 1972 ·Eight Hours Don’t Make a Dayas Rolf Schwein
- 1972 ·Ludwig – Requiem for a Virgin Kingas Professor Gudden
- 1971 ·Beware of a Holy Whoreas Gaffer
- 1971 ·Ein Vogel bin ich nichtas Schorsch
- 1971 ·Pioneers in Ingolstadtas Fabian
- 1971 ·Rio das Mortesas Kneipenbesucher
- 1971 ·Fassbinder Produces: Film No. 8as Self
- 1970 ·Scene of the Crimeas Bruno Heintze
- 1970 ·Scene of the Crimeas Karl Lanz
- 1970 ·Scene of the Crimeas Polizist
- 1970 ·Scene of the Crimeas Taxler
- 1970 ·Scene of the Crimeas Mr. Ziegler
- 1970 ·Love Is Colder Than Deathas Motorradpolizist
- 1970 ·Baalas Erster Holzfäller
- 1969 ·Katzelmacheras Paul
- 1968 ·The Bridegroom, the Actress, and the Pimpas Petrell