Emir Buczacki
September 1, 1935 (89 years old) in Suwałki, Polska
Known For
- 1983 ·Blisko, coraz bliżejas dyrektor szpitala
- 1981 ·Polonia Restitutaas Arystydes Briand, premier Francji
- 1981 ·Misjaas kurier Pedro
- 1981 ·Nothing Stands in the Wayas doktor, kolega Zofii
- 1978 ·Nights and Daysas Lucjan Kociełło, mąż Teresy
- 1975 ·Nights and Daysas Lucjan Kociełło
- 1975 ·The End of the Holidayas Lekarz pogotowia
- 1973 ·The Hourglass Sanatoriumas Wax Figure of Benito Juarez
- 1972 ·The Sun Rises Once a Dayas Innkeeper (uncredited)
- 1972 ·Pearl in the Crownas Malitsch
- 1971 ·The Ring of Queen Annas Teutonic Commander
- 1966 ·Pharaohas Thutmose
- 1964 ·Ubranie prawie noweas
- 1958 ·Ewa Wants to Sleepas "Blind Tolo" (uncredited)
- 1957 ·Lost Feelingsas Drunk man #1 (uncredited)