Viktor Pavlov
October 6, 1940 (84 years old) in Moscow, RSFSR, USSR
Known For
- 2005 ·Dreaming of Spaceas
- 2002 ·Brigadaas Павел Пчелкин
- 2001 ·In August of 1944as начальник продсклада
- 2001 ·DMB-5as генерал Талалаев - «Батя»
- 2001 ·DMB-4as генерал Талалаев - «Батя»
- 2001 ·DMB-3as генерал Талалаев - «Батя»
- 2000 ·The Envy of Godsas Vilen
- 2000 ·DMB-2as генерал Талалаев - «Батя»
- 2000 ·Demobbedas генерал Талалаев («Батя»)
- 2000 ·A Chivalrous Romanceas Агеласт
- 1998 ·An Unfamiliar Weapon, or Crusader 2as
- 1997 ·Sympathy Seekeras Vitya
- 1997 ·Chyornyy Okeanas
- 1997 ·At the Dawn of Our Youthful Yearsas Oleg Koltsov
- 1997 ·The Wizard of the Emerald Cityas James Goodwin (Wizard)
- 1997 ·Children of Mondayas
- 1996 ·Pilots Scientific Sectionas Polkovnik
- 1995 ·Housekeeper and Lacemakeras
- 1995 ·Without a Collaras
- 1995 ·The Fatal Eggsas Angel in boots
- 1995 ·Crusaderas
- 1994 ·Кодекс молчания 2. След чёрной рыбыas Burlakov - major
- 1994 ·The Master and Margaritaas Behemoth
- 1994 ·Enchantedas
- 1994 ·Thiefas
- 1994 ·A Golden Ring, a Bouquet of Scarlet Rosesas
- 1993 ·To Rememberas Narrator
- 1993 ·Я самаas следователь
- 1993 ·Over the Dark Wateras sosed
- 1993 ·Good Luck, Gentlemen!as
- 1993 ·About Businessman Fomaas
- 1993 ·Reluctant Superman, or Erotic Mutantas
- 1992 ·Is It OK to Sleep with Other Man's Wife?as
- 1992 ·Rats Corneras
- 1991 ·Adventure Firmas Harton - director of the "Adventure Firm"
- 1991 ·The Caravan Of Deathas Lieutenant Colonel Sablin, head of the political department of the border detachment
- 1991 ·Don't Wake a Sleeping Dogas Vadim Alekseevich Fufachev
- 1991 ·Murder at Cloister Pondsas
- 1991 ·Nightmare in a Madhouseas
- 1991 ·Rock'n'Roll For Princessesas King of the Philogenians
- 1991 ·Russian Brothersas
- 1991 ·And to Hell with Us!as
- 1991 ·Cynicsas Dokuchaev Ilya Petrovich
- 1990 ·Gambrinusas городовой
- 1990 ·Dubrovskyas Anton Spitsyn
- 1990 ·Murder at Cloister Pondsas Алексей Семёнович Яковлев ("Ася")
- 1989 ·Operation "Wonderland"as стармех
- 1989 ·Светлая личностьas Каин Доброгласов
- 1989 ·Bespredelas Lieutenant colonel , Head of the colony
- 1989 ·Prince Udacha Andreyevichas участковый милиционер
- 1989 ·За всё заплаченоas Евгений Снегирёв (начальник строительства трассы газопровода)
- 1989 ·The Gambleras Crucian
- 1988 ·You Don’t Like Our Governement, Do You?as Семен Павлинов
- 1988 ·Naval Cadets, Charge!as Kotov
- 1988 ·Love For Your Neighboras Павел Карпович Маслобойников
- 1988 ·The Dodgersas Metel
- 1988 ·Naval Cadets, Charge!as Kotov
- 1988 ·The Purple Ballas Людоед
- 1987 ·Fun of the Youngas Bobylyov
- 1987 ·Through the Grass Barefootas
- 1986 ·Zina-Zinulyaas Petrenko
- 1986 ·At the edge of the swordas
- 1986 ·The Wedding Is Accusedas
- 1986 ·Trial on the Roadas Полицай
- 1986 ·Дикий хмельas
- 1985 ·Counterstrikeas
- 1985 ·Do Not Marry, Girlsas
- 1985 ·Farewell of a Slav Womanas Fedor Leontyevich, neighbor
- 1985 ·The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finnas Policeman
- 1985 ·Rough Landingas
- 1984 ·First Cavalryas
- 1984 ·Olga and Konstantinas
- 1984 ·Chanceas Корнелий Удалов
- 1984 ·Password "Hotel Regina"as
- 1983 ·Among Grey Stonesas
- 1983 ·The Tale of Young Spousesas
- 1983 ·Offered for Singlesas Илья Беленький («Боцман»)
- 1983 ·Mirgorod and Its Inhabitantsas
- 1982 ·Storm Warningas
- 1982 ·Приключения Тома Сойера и Гекльберри Финнаas шериф
- 1982 ·Take Aliveas Zhmachenko, foreman
- 1981 ·Kuda Ischez Fomenko?as
- 1981 ·White Danceas
- 1981 ·A Profitable Positionas чиновник Белогубов
- 1981 ·Village Storyas
- 1981 ·Сын полкаas Кузьма Горбунов - разведчик
- 1980 ·The Last Escapeas Vetrov
- 1980 ·Say a Word for the Poor Hussaras Тюремщик Степан
- 1979 ·When Leaving, Leaveas Дмитрий Павлович Сулин, роль бухгалтер
- 1979 ·The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changedas Левченко
- 1979 ·The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changedas Levchenko
- 1979 ·The Zavyalov Weirdosas снабженец (роман «Капроновая ёлочка»)
- 1979 ·Dumas in the Caucasusas
- 1979 ·Торговка и поэтas
- 1979 ·Pugachevas
- 1979 ·Mary Poppinsas Сторож
- 1978 ·While the Dream is Madas
- 1978 ·Счет человеческийas Глебов (врач)
- 1977 ·Funny People!as
- 1977 ·Funny People!as человек на ярмарке, потерявший ногу
- 1977 ·Crane in the Skyas Илья
- 1977 ·Almanzor's Ringsas Abaldon
- 1977 ·Our Debtsas
- 1977 ·Fourth Heightas старший тренер по прыжкам в воду
- 1977 ·Fight in a Blizzardas
- 1976 ·Fiery Bridgeas
- 1976 ·Преступление: Обманas Фёдор
- 1976 ·Brief Encounters in the Long Waras
- 1976 ·The Strogovsas Demyan Shtychkov
- 1976 ·Обыкновенная Арктикаas
- 1974 ·Time and the Conwaysas
- 1974 ·Atlanticas
- 1974 ·Дети Ванюшинаas Красавин Степан Фёдорович
- 1974 ·Alyonushka and the Soldieras (voice)
- 1974 ·An Unknown Heiras
- 1972 ·Nerves... Nerves...as
- 1972 ·Listen, on the other sideas Zaytsev
- 1972 ·Расскажи мне о себеas
- 1972 ·Dauriaas Никифор Чепалов
- 1972 ·Hello and Goodbyeas Васька-сеньор, ухажер Нади
- 1971 ·A Train to a Distant Augustas Rate's representative
- 1971 ·Ночная сменаas
- 1970 ·The Adjutant of His Excellencyas Мирон Осадчий
- 1969 ·Адъютант его превосходительстваas Мирон Осадчий
- 1969 ·At War as at Waras Grisha Shcherbak
- 1968 ·Testas
- 1967 ·Major 'Whirlwind'as Agent Kolya
- 1966 ·Man Without a Passportas Горохов
- 1966 ·Строится мостas
- 1965 ·Time, Forward!as accordionist
- 1965 ·Obsessionas "Dub"
- 1965 ·Operation Y and Other Shurik's Adventuresas Дуб, новелла «Наваждение»
- 1964 ·Cheka Employeeas red-headed wounded guy
- 1961 ·When the Trees Were Tallas