Emil Botta
September 17, 1911 (113 years old) in Adjud, Vrancea, Romania
Known For
- 1976 ·The Premiereas Vasilică Savu
- 1974 ·Beyond the Sandsas Printul Ipsilanti
- 1968 ·The Columnas Marele Preot al dacilor
- 1968 ·Reconstructionas Paveliu
- 1967 ·Underneath the Surfaceas Barbu
- 1967 ·The Daciansas mare preot dac
- 1966 ·Faust XXas Faust
- 1966 ·The Uprisingas Anton Nebunul
- 1966 ·Chess to the Kingas Deliu
- 1965 ·The White Mooras Roșu Împărat
- 1965 ·Forest of the Hangedas Cervenko
- 1963 ·Steps to the Moonas
- 1962 ·Poveste sentimentalaas Dr. Pantazi
- 1962 ·A Bomb Was Stolenas Somerhot
- 1959 ·Life Doesn't Spareas
- 1958 ·Family Jewelsas Mișu Vorvoreanu