46.00%|June 28, 2002|Drama
This biopic tells the true story of Korean boxer Kim Deuk-gu. Born into poverty, Kim used boxing to free himself from his bleak surroundings, eventually becoming the world's top lightweight. Tragically, Kim's life was cut short when he died from a blood clot in his brain during a championship fight with Ray Boom Boom Mancini.
Featured Crew
Kwak Kyung-taek
Oh Won-chol
Sound Supervisor
Yu Yeong-jong
Lighting Director
Yu Oh-seong
Kim Deuk-gu
Chae Min-seo
Lee Kyeong-mi
Yoon Seung-won
Kim Hyeon-ji
Jung Doo-hong
Lee Sang-bok
Kim Hyun-sook
Bus Driver