Sailor Victory
47.00%|June 25, 1995|Action, Animation, Comedy, Science Fiction
In the future, five female high school students form Sailor Victory to command three giant ninja robots: Gion, Momoyama and Sagano, so that they can fight against evil in the virtual-future of Mikado City. In these two episodes, a disgraced and disgruntled city employee aims to humiliate the Sailor Victory crew by joining up with the evil Margarita. Little does he know that she is bent on destroying the city...
Featured Crew
Kazuaki Moori
Character Designer
Kenichi Kanemaki
Katsuhiko Nishijima
Aya Hisakawa
Nakamoto Shizuka (voice)
Hinako Yoshino
Shimura Mami (voice)
Hiromi Tsuru
Arai Kiyomi (voice)
Junko Shimakata
Kato Mika (voice)
Yumi Touma
Takagi Reiko (voice)